This is taken from my memories of experience at the hospital in Spring 2o14
This is  is an imaginary scene at New Britain General Hospital in Connecticut, where i was in  the spring of 2014, but no doctor, not even Michael E  Balkunas, MD the director of W-1 the psychiatric unit there, would actually administer an injection. No, that is dirty “hands-on” work, which only a nurse does. Nurses, however, may not “touch” patients at NBGH, so guards are employed for THAT dirty work. I was informed by the head nurse at W-1 that guards are supposed to hurt the the patients, literally,  in order to subdue them so nurses can inject them, before seclusion, with three punishment drugs while they are still “out”…i.e. post-near-strangulation, which is what they did to me. Of course, this is all denied, and patients are conveniently labelled liars, so the guards and nurses get away with everything and no one is ever found out. I suspect this all continues to this day, since they have no reason or motivation to stop. Of course, Psychiatrists are not RD’s, Real Doctors, in that they don’t treat real diseases. That is their problem…But lucky for them, they are Prescribers, so they fit the bill for “doctor” as I describe below.


Why do you see a doctor, tell the truth. Is it because she can give you more information than you can find on the internet? Is it because she provides you with more real hands-on care than you can get anywhere else? Truly? Or is it to confirm, by specialized testing or with too-expensive-to-own instruments or equipment what you have already checked out for yourself on the internet and just need to have confirmed or denied? Truth to tell, isn’t the only real reason you visit a doctor these days to get a prescription? Because you already know what is or may be wrong with you, and perhaps you already know what script you need for the problem you have, but the sad truth is you cannot write for  that danged illness or condition yourself, can you?

No, only the esteemed doctor can write that script, the one who is in hock up to his or her ears for his useless medical education (an education that  I assure you — because I have been there — they will forget most of shortly after leaving  their internship (now called  the first year residency –that one year is the only time they will ever really need it). We believe we need our doctors, but think about it, do we really? I always thought i needed my check-up every year, but I have gone a few years without one, and have I come down with any dread disease from not having  a “physical” as they are called? Nope. In fact, I have scarcely come down with a cold. And when I do catch a cold, I KNOW not to go to any doctor, nor even the APRN i call my doctor… Why? Because they might be foolish enough to ply me with antibiotics, which only deal with bacteria.  I have known  for years that ALL colds are viral and NOTHING treats viruses. So far, not even the vaunted Tamiflu treats viruses. Tamiflu turned out to be as bogus as it was elite and expensive! Also because the doctors are told to ply their patients with largely useless vaccines like the yearly changing flu vaccine. I had this last year for the first time, only to find out it was worthless against that year’s flu virus. I think I won’t bother  to get the pneumococcal  pneumonia vaccine, which  they  are supposed to offer to all clinic visitors over 65. And why? Check out this aside which follows:


About pneumococcal pneumonia, since we are being told just to have this vaccine, each one of us after age 65 What is it about this,  and is it so terrible to get it? Here is what this dread disease is all about, or at least what the first google search brought up:

“Pneumococcal pneumonia (lung infection) is the most common serious form of pneumococcal disease. Symptoms include:

  • Fever and chills
  • Cough
  • Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain

Older adults with pneumococcal pneumonia may experience confusion or low alertness, rather than the more common symptoms listed above.”

Now, I am not saying it sounds FUN, and maybe some people really ought to be protected against it, but all of us? This is  NOT Ebola or  small pox they are vaccinating against but no one tells us when they pressure us that we have a big choice or a reasonable choice NOT to have this vaccine…They simply recommend getting it, period. Well, I say, Here you  are folks. Get the news and READ all about it. Look before you leap!


So, we only really, to my mind, need doctors for a few necessities, and I do not include prescriptions among them, because frankly that is a manufactured one, and could and should be remedied, by an act of congress permitting others to write scripts for us, even if the writing of such papers remains limited to a “royal” few (of course, why would They allow everyone to prescribe for themselves? The American population is smart enough to elect their own government and decide who is to be their president, but we are definitely too stupid to decide what to put into our own bodies, lest we poison ourselves, right? And even given the proper resources, like, say, the ever popular and, hmmm, accurate, since drug research is ALWAYS truthful, right? but even given our use of that accurately research-based PDR, we could never discover for ourselves what drug would safely treat our ailments, no, because we are  too stupid. We could not even find out by asking around for advice from those who might know more than we do…

No, of course not, we Americans are just silly enough to want to poison ourselves with accidental cancer chemotherapies and radiations, right? So naturally we should  ONLY let doctors with education  choose to prescribe when  we get poisoned and irradiated. I myself would definitely prefer to let another person poison me than do so myself,…


Wait just a minute. Am I really that stupid? Are we all really that stupid? (I was, I admit, that stupid for many many years…I trusted the medical profession and believed all their lies…But I was stupid, as I said. Only stupid people believe a lie, thrice told, so yes, I confess, I was among the most stupid people still alive today, and frankly I cannot believe that I survived, given the nearly terminal degree of my stupidity!)

Here’s a little secret no MD will ever tell you. I left medical school in 1978 in my second year.  I tried to keep up in the following years, but it was difficult at the time, because the books were expensive and kept getting updated  every year. One major textbook, one updated edition  of that textbook in any year, might cost upwards of $100.00 or even $200  and that was in a single subject alone, not to mention the several others necessary for a full enlightenment on the subject. Did I mention staying current with journals? Did you know how much it costs to subscribe to even a few choice medical journals if you are not part of a large group practice or a university? Again, one subscription can cost hundreds of dollars a year ( not to mention  trying to find time to read the articles)

But, but but… since then, and frankly ever since the miracle of the internet, medical education has gotten easier to stay up on, and easier for anyone, even a stupid American, (yes YOU, did you know that! I bet you did!) to learn. Yes, this is the little secret your doctor will never tell you and does not want you ever to find out and it is god’s honest truth: Medical education is open to all and free of charge,  right out there, everything you need to know, on the internet. It is not and will never again be arcane knowledge only doctors can learn in their special club  for Moronic Dickheads (MDs).

Don’t let your doctor, or your moronic dickhead, tell you otherwise, because she or he will just be lying to protect her or his income…which I admit is a huge thing to be losing even a particle of, and I am sad that they need so much income…But hey, come down to our level, guys and dames, cuz you need to see how we, the other 99%, lives and, well, you know….

I have been appalled, seeing a doctor or APRN in the past just how much MORE than them I know, because you know, I do keep up on the information by internet and I bother to…and  you know what else, they  don’t need to because, well, they have the power to prescribe.

The power to prescribe is, quite simply POWER. They don’t need anything else. All they need to keep their power  is the money to renew that prescriber’s license, and money enough to buy the world goes along with the license anyway.

So there you have it.

Except in the  case of specialty surgeons, should you want to avail yourself of those services, and in only a few rare instances would I suggest it,  some extreme bodily trauma — which many EMTs can treat as well as, or better than, MDs ( but the MDs won’t admit this) and in some critical ER care but there RNs usually  do it better than  MDs being longer experienced, and kinder, too.

Perhaps there are some other special cases where school-educated MDs truly can do some real good  (please note that  I leave psychiatry, that QUACK profession, utterly out of this discussion) but in general let’s stop calling/ treating our doctors as if they are specialized  “providers of health care”  or even as “providers  of health care information”.  All they really are is providers of PRESCRIPTIONS and that alone. They are Prescribers.

You know, I would love to have that power,  MD prescribing power, more widely distributed. Then maybe it would be cheaper to get a script for, say, the  anti-migraine drug, sumatriptan, for 60 tablets of which  Walgreen’s pharmacy just tried to charge me  nearly $1200.00. This was the exact same 60 tablets of the generic sumatriptan, yes, not a brand, that I found on the internet in Kentucky for, get this, around $64.00! Now Walgreen’s is not paying even a decently priced $900.00 for this sumatriptan which they “have” to then mark up for me, no, they buy it cheap then just decide that they can charge me this much for it, or I will bloody well do without! If I had not gotten “prior approval”  from Humana Part D, for a “dose increase” that merely concurred with the PDR’s 2/day recommendation, Walgreens would never have filled the script. All this just in order to let me have 9 days of headache treatment per month! If I am unlucky enough to have 10 headaches this month, what happens? You guessed it, I am fucked! But Walgreens claims their hands are tied, that they can do nothing…Nothing my ass. They choose what they charge the customer, and they do not NEED to charge me $1200.00 for tablets that cost them $64.00. They choose to do so…

So I say, FUCK Walgreens and their  collusion with Big Pharma and the Little-Big Pharmas and the HUGE-BIG prescribers,… and also  fuck all these prescribers who charge us $300.00- $600.00 for a 15 minute visit, just to get their piece of the pie. We all know what is going on. I certainly do. I know whom I have to use  to get my prescriptions, and I know  why….But I hate this routine and I think it is WRONG, wrong, wrong. I do not think my provider knows more than i do. Moreover, I KNOW that whatever and whenever she knows more, I can find out and read for myself and learn about it on the net. I know  her brain power is no greater than mine. She might at the moment be more informed about a certain subject, but not for long!


Stay informed, do not  prove that Americans are as stupid as the drug companies and doctors think we are. Take back your lives and for cripes’ sake, take back your health. Take back your life-mind-health for the sake of your selves! DOWN WITH DOCTORS. We do not need them.