Tag Archives: creativity


Although I’ve been making jewelry, I only have a little art to show this time. A big paper mâché tortoise and an oil painting of a house, which isn’t quite finished because I’m waiting to see what the foliage in front and back looks like when it’s summer. My only photos were from the dead of winter, and there’s a small tree and hedge in front that I may add. There are still a few issues that I need to touch up but I can do those later. This has taken me much much longer because of needing to wait for the oil paint layers to dry. An acrylic painting takes much less time to complete in terms of drying time.

The tortoise I started on impulse, just to prove to a group on FB that I could build a giant tortoise using trash like recyclables and things that I already had on hand. For this tortoise I used an old “flying saucer” sled, packaging paper, a torn old sheet, and mailing tubes and various empty food containers. That plus paper mâché solution, so the only true art supplies used were the Apoxie-sculpt I used for the toe nails, given to me for talking with a university class, and acrylic paint that I already had.

Robin Gets A New Face!

This is the original Robin. But below is the new updated Robin as they are today:

Although I had wanted to stay away from paint, the colored papers I used in the original Robin faded in the light very quickly, so I ended up opting to paint the clothing and sneakers and a bit of the facial features, but not the skin or hair.


Bone bud vases or candlesticks for slender taper candles. Handmade paper roses. Have made 8 bone bud vases and a dozen or more roses.

This head and torse made for a friend, Judy, who wants to keep her Halloween headless person throughout the year. Arms were slapped together years ago just to hold a bowl of Halloween candies but Judy insists they are good and go along with her new friend Jo’s head. Otherwise I would make new ones.

Window at Harmony Artists Collective Gallery, with all my art on display.

two different paper flowers very time consuming.

Paper flowers in most recent bud vase.

Front of most recent bud vase/candlestick


With this still life drawing, similar to the one that I ended my Inktober drawings with, i used the same view point but instead of cross hatching I used grayscale pens to achieve deeper contrasts and bolder shadows. I also lit the still life better, with only one source of light not multiple sources. I took the reference photo below, but made some changes to the drawing itself.


The word was Chains,, so I drew a bank of fast food store chains, all in a row. I could not find any photos for this so I had to imagine it.

The word was Shallow. My cat scratches the word work, and me, when I walk too fast past her, so she’s my Miss Scratchy Baby!

The word was Shallow. Sea turtles are swimming in shallow water when you can see their shadows on the sea floor beneath them.

The word was Dangerous. This drawing depicts a young man singing in the bathtub while radio blasts out music, but little does he know the vibrations threaten to topple the radio into the tub…and we all know what happens then!

The word was Remove, so I drew an eviction as that’s how landlords remove an undesired tenant from their properties.

This time the word Beast suggested a young girl, understood to be beautiful, who looks in the mirror and sees only a beast. I don’t think this beast successfully captured what I wanted to depict, but there you have it.

This time the word was Sparkle, which stumped me until a friend said “eyes sparkle” and suggested I draw a detailed eye. Thank you, Mizzy!

More Inktober 2023

day 14 is Castle. I drew the school in Sançerre, France, where I went in 2019. Cœur de France is actually situated in a small castle.

Monday’s prompt will be Angel, so I drew two Destroying Angel amanita mushrooms. (Below)

day 13 the prompt was Rise…

Day 12 the prompt was Spicy, misspelled as Spicey…I couldn’t think of anything to draw except spicy hot peppers

Tomorrow’s prompt is Dagger.


All the clocks below are made from paper mâché (plus a clock or just a clock mechanism ) . They range from about 9” across for the round white clock with the multicolored face, to the the fish clock which is about 20” from head to tail fin. All are for sale at the Brattleboro gallery of the Harmony Artists Collective.

Some new art from late august

Robin in blue pants and with eyes! At the Harmony Artists Collective Gallery on 49 Elliot street, Brattleboro, VT
Large Sun clock in paper mâché
Papier mâché clock unpainted, and I will leave it that way.
The Whatsit couple, fixed after accident that took legs of chair and table. Now stabilized so no further problems. c. 3-4” tall

More New June Art +

Paper mâché “Robin” with colorful sneakers and a red ball. Lovely photo taken by someone at the gallery. ( I don’t think I’ve posted this before, but sorry if it’s a repeat.)

Watercolor Study of a day lily on Canson cold press paper for a painting to be done later on Arches. (Many mistakes but I’m learning…)

Diane’s House, plus three others

Acrylics 11” by 13” on Strathmore 500 Mixed Media Board, a gift for my friend Diane.
House on Green Street, minus the neighboring houses. Acrylic 11” by 13” on Strathmore 500 Mixed Media board — SOLD
Jeremiah Beale House on Western Avenue in West Brattleboro, Acrylics on Strathmore 500 Mixed media board, 11” by 13”
Drawing before I paint the house in the following photo I took recently.
House with Rhododendron on Western Avenue in Brattleboro

Le Chat d’une amie- A friend’s Cat

painted for her birthday – peint pour son anniversaire.

Here’s the original photo of pasha

Here’s my rendering, with the chocolates turned into a book, The Art of Purring by David Michie, one of the 5 Dalaï lama’s cat books.


She starts as chicken wire. Elle commence avec le grillage.
I add paper bag brown paper. Je la fais avec les sacs de papier collés au grillage.
She gets hands and feet. Also shorts. Elle a maintenant les mains et les pieds et elle porte le short.
I finally decided on pedal pusher length pants and gave her hair and eyes etc. Voila les cheveux et les pantalons plus long.
In the gallery …


The dog (11” by 14”) was painted for my brother and is a portrait of his dog. Acrylics, on canvas. The cat portrait, done for another member of Brattleboro Time Trade is twice the size of the dog painting and is also on canvas but was done in Sennelier and Holbein oil pastels. Sorry about the watermarks, but it’s necessary.