Tag Archives: angel

More Inktober 2023

day 14 is Castle. I drew the school in Sançerre, France, where I went in 2019. Cœur de France is actually situated in a small castle.

Monday’s prompt will be Angel, so I drew two Destroying Angel amanita mushrooms. (Below)

day 13 the prompt was Rise…

Day 12 the prompt was Spicy, misspelled as Spicey…I couldn’t think of anything to draw except spicy hot peppers

Tomorrow’s prompt is Dagger.


Avenging Angel in Gouache - Abstract approximately 7 by 8 inches
Avenging Angel in Gouache – Abstract approximately 7 by 8 inches


Lots to say about the situation I am in up here in Vermont, where my assistant, the person hired to help me and make sure things go okay turned out to be a common criminal. But I am too tired and worn out by having to deal with the mess left in her wake to write about it. Suffice it to say that she stole my debit/credit card number and racked up multiple charges, was apparently drinking even in the mornings without my knowing it, and driving me at the same time. She had a hand bag full of narcotics not all of them prescribed to her, but even if they had been, what was she doing, taking narcotics and drinking and driving?!


Things were even worse than that, but as I said, I am exhausted and cannot go into it all now. Needless to say, she has been fired and is gone, is out of here…But she has left a mess and misery in her wake all around. What a mess maker! And I think she was the one who was stealing from me all the while last winter when I had people staying with me to prevent a hospitalization…Why did  I once trust her implicitly? Where do I find these people and WHY do I trust them at all?


I should have known something was wrong when I saw her handbag full of Percocet and Xanax and VIcodin and fentanyl patches etc. It was ridiculous…and then to have her buy a case of beer? But I thought “well, a beer once in a while is harmless.”…I didn’t know she was drinking at breakfast and also while driving…I am such a dimwit!