Brad P. Olson’s New Poem: a Must-Read

I loved this small gem of a poem, which I hope Brad doesn’t mind my stealing off his site and posting here. It can also be found at Brad’s site:

The Day You Were Born

For Grace

The day you were born

I held you swaddled
in the crook of my arm.

Now, 10 months later,

you turn your head
as I try to wipe your nose.

I could hold your head still,

but, to do that,
I’d have to put you down . . .

I don’t look forward to the day
when you’re too grown up

to carry from one place to another.

© 2011 by Brad P. Olson. All Rights Reserved.

3 thoughts on “Brad P. Olson’s New Poem: a Must-Read”

  1. Thanks Chris for your kind words. I especially like the last sentence of your analysis. As I fulfill her needs, it seems I receive just as much, if not more, nurturing from my daughter as she does from me. Thank you for helping me see that.

    And, thanks again, Pam, for re-posting my poem. I can’t wait to read your next book.



  2. Thank you Pam and thank you Brad!
    Love this poem with its shaped curvings,( en)circlings of love, and encapsulated feelings of vulnerability/strength with the balance oh so delicately counter poised ..child…Fragility of the human condition needing nurture for growth right through life’s given span.

    Chris UK


  3. Thank you very much Pam. I believe you’re truly one of the great poets of our time, and for you to re-post my poem is a great honor.


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