The word was Massive…I think this drawing fits the bill! (Even though as a ink drawing it wasn’t very successful.)

The word was Rush and as I said on Facebook I didn’t draw much more than a rush with a burgeoning inflorescence, wanting to spend my time practicing the architectural style lettering I am teaching myself.

Again, as I posted on FB I had lots of fun with the last Inktober word, Fire, but I forgot to light the still life properly, so instead of dramatic darks and lights I had complicated weak shadows from light from multiple sources. Not good! I’d like to draw this again, but with better lighting. Once again however I got to practice my lettering, explaining why my still life fit the word Fire.

3 thoughts on “INKTOBER IS OVER, FOR 2023”

  1. I have SO enjoyed looking at these all month. Your skill is amazing, your imagination so vivid, and your eye(s) extremely keen. Wonderful work.


  2. Alas, I hope this isn’t the end of your stunning ink drawings…
    I have so enjoyed each day’s new offerings.
    Kudos to your great d’œuvre!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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