READ THIS, Michael Edward Balkunas, MD of Hospital of Central Connecticut in New Britain, CT, Before You Throw Another Psychiatric Patient Into Your Supermax Seclusion Cells!

Hospital Seclusion Room
Hospital Seclusion Room (Supermax Cell at New Britain General Hospital)

This is from the Special Rapporteur to the UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON TORTURE 2013:

As the previous Special Rapporteur stated: “Torture, as the most serious violation of the human right to personal integrity and dignity, presupposes a situation of powerlessness, whereby the victim is under the total control of another person.”14 Deprivation of legal capacity, when a person’s exercise of decision-making is taken away and given to others, is one such circumstance, along with deprivation of liberty in prisons or other places (A/63/175, para. 50).

32. The mandate has recognized that medical treatments of an intrusive and irreversible nature, when lacking a therapeutic purpose, may constitute torture or ill-treatment when enforced or administered without the free and informed consent of the person concerned (ibid., paras. 40, 47). This is particularly the case when intrusive and irreversible, non- consensual treatments are performed on patients from marginalized groups, such as persons with disabilities, notwithstanding claims of good intentions or medical necessity. For example, the mandate has held that the discriminatory character of forced psychiatric interventions, when committed against persons with psychosocial disabilities, satisfies both intent and purpose required under the article 1 of the Convention against Torture, notwithstanding claims of “good intentions” by medical professionals .

Medical care that causes severe suffering for no justifiable reason can be considered cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and if there is State involvement and specific intent, it is torture.

63. The mandate has previously declared that there can be no therapeutic justification for the use of solitary confinement and prolonged restraint of persons with disabilities in psychiatric institutions; both prolonged seclusion and restraint may constitute torture and ill-treatment (A/63/175, paras. 55-56). The Special Rapporteur has addressed the issue of solitary confinement and stated that its imposition, of any duration, on persons with mental disabilities is cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (A/66/268, paras. 67-68, 78). Moreover, any restraint on people with mental disabilities for even a short period of time may constitute torture and ill-treatment.78 It is essential that an absolute ban on all coercive and non-consensual measures, including restraint and solitary confinement of people with psychological or intellectual disabilities, should apply in all places of deprivation of liberty, including in psychiatric and social care institutions. The environment of patient powerlessness and abusive treatment of persons with disabilities in which restraint and seclusion is used can lead to other non-consensual

Domestic legislation allowing forced interventions

64. The mandate continues to receive reports of the systematic use of forced interventions worldwide. Both this mandate and United Nations treaty bodies have established that involuntary treatment and other psychiatric interventions in health-care facilities are forms of torture and ill-treatment.79 Forced interventions, often wrongfully justified by theories of incapacity and therapeutic necessity inconsistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, are legitimized under national laws, and may enjoy wide public support as being in the alleged “best interest” of the person concerned. Nevertheless, to the extent that they inflict severe pain and suffering, they violate the absolute prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment (A/63/175, paras. 38, 40, 41). Concern for the autonomy and dignity of persons with disabilities leads the Special Rapporteur to urge revision of domestic legislation allowing for forced interventions.treatment, such as forced medication and electroshock procedures.


7 thoughts on “READ THIS, Michael Edward Balkunas, MD of Hospital of Central Connecticut in New Britain, CT, Before You Throw Another Psychiatric Patient Into Your Supermax Seclusion Cells!”

  1. I wrote to an expert in seclusion and restraints this summer hoping for assistance and she actually scolded me for writing to her! I think she wants me to ficking KILL MYSELF and I feel like obliging I cannot take this SHIT any longer I cannot take it…THEY ARE FORCING ME OUT OF CONNECTICUT…I have to leave but to go where and why???People recently DIED in the Brattleboro Retreat in Vermont…so why go to Vermont, I hate this shit. I am A ficking MONSTER…No one would treat a human being the way the treat me..I am singled out for this treatment every single time,,,,WHY???NO ONE ELSE GETS THE TORTURE AND ABUSE THAT THEY TREAT ME WITH? WHY??? I AM A TERATOMA ON THE BODY OF HUMAN SOCIETY AND I NEED TO END IT! I HATE MYSELF ..No body else gets this torture or the excuses or the RAPE AND shit that I get CONSTANTLY EVERYSINGLE FICKING TIME…NOT EVERY TIME EVERY WHERE>>>>NO NO NO NO NO!


  2. I expect most people lack the real life experience to believe you. I believe you, though. It’s all based in punishing, far too much stupid punishing shit happens in lieu of treatment for folks with mental issues. It’s the same in the 12 step programs, guilt and threats.


  3. Yeah, I know, I know. The US (and I fear the UN too alas) is full of fucking BULLSHIT. But that asshole Michael Balkunas is not going to get away with the crap he pulled and continues to pull. He will keep hearing from me and from Google alerts with his name on them, and will have his name plastered on my blog in public for a LOOONG time…until he talks to me about what he did both to me and continues to do to other patients, AND until he makes big changes in the way he treats people. He will have to agree to stop torturing patients…Something has to change or I will not shut up (that is unless or until someone kills me, which was what was going to happen and that is precisely why I am leaving for an undisclosed location, BEFORE he or anyone else gets to me).


  4. Wow, way to assert you’self.

    My cause is kind of in the same boat, the U.N. is passing declarations, but countries, as nobody said, don’t seem to care . . .


  5. The US doesn’t give a shit about human rights abuses, as long as we’re the ones perpetrating them. It’s disgusting, and I’m sorry you’ve suffered that too.


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